Rice and a lot of drama

Hello Readers,
Okay..so this is my first post and I'm really nervous but excited too ...well mostly nervous. I don't know what to start with. At first, i thought of writing a brief about me but that sounds pretty bore to me. To be honest, that is not relevant at all. So I have decided to tell you about my super weakness i.e Rice. Being an Indian, rice is a staple food in your diet. I have always loved rice like since the beginning. Everyone says that rice is actually good only if you take in a certain amount. But the thing is I can't control myself when it comes to rice. I have tried everything like EVERYTHING to take it in small portions and tried to pay attention to all those bits of advice my loved ones gave me. And well you guessed it right... I FAILED. It's not like I have stopped trying but i am still trying to do that. I feel like Rice is my nemesis because it's the only reason that have got me obese at such a young age. I also have this thyroid condition which makes my case difficult. Let's come to the topic now ,  you might be wondering what exactly is the drama part right? Well, it's quite a normal thing with me i.e whenever I eat rice all hell breaks loose on me. My family starts lecturing me which then raise my temper and I say things that I don't really mean. I have a nasty temper issue. So after cooling down a bit, I realize their view and obviously apologized. This thing is like so common to me that my parents now don't really bother saying much to me. Although they still say something but that has reduced to some level. I think they have become hopeless that I'll ever get fit. I am so frustrated most of the time only because of my fat issue. I can't even fit myself in my month old clothes and this is really breaking my patience. Perhaps that's a good thing? I don't know but one thing is for sure ....that my breaking point is near. My weight is 100kg right now and I am not following any specific diet. Someone in my family suggested a visit to a local dietician known for working miracles on people like me. So I have decided to give it a go. I'll be visiting the dietician soon and I'll post the juicy details then. I hope that you might have had an idea of my stubbornness. I have never channeled this good trait of mine to lose fat otherwise I would not have been here writing this blog. So I guess that's all for today, I guess I'll catch you guys later with another boring story of mine. Please have patience because I have a lot to say. 

Ignore my mistakes if there is any.
And guys, I don't support Body Shaming CZ it's morally wrong. So I will delete comments or block that person who posts anything related to body shaming. YOU ARE WARNED.
